President’s Message
Dear SICE Members,
On behalf of your SICE Executive Board, please consider this both an announcement and an appeal. As you know, our current term of office expires on May 31, 2026. The question that now confronts us is how SICE will go forward beyond this date.
To state this more precisely, four of your current officers have decided not to seek reelection for the 2026-28 term. This wide gap presents a major problem in continuity of leadership and may lead to what no one wants: a dissolution of SICE at a time when it would normally celebrate its 25th anniversary.
Your current Board has decided to respond proactively to this undesired situation. Here’s where we need your help to keep SICE afloat. Very simply, we need individuals to lead the organization, design exciting cultural programs and direct its events beginning in the 2026-28 seasons.
Please contact me at bjmorra@gmail.com if you wish to step up and get more involved in SICE. Include a brief description of your areas of expertise and your creative ideas for review by the current Board.
Grazie Mille,
Joseph A. Morra, SICE President